Monday, September 17, 2012

The Reality Behind Reality Shows

Old television        I know I cannot be the only one who has noticed a huge surge in the reality show genre that seems to be consuming all of the "educational" channels on television.  I sometimes wonder what has happened to the History Channel.  It now has a schedule of Ice Road Truckers, Pawn Stars, American Pickers, Top Gear, Cajun Pawn Stars, etc...There is now a History Channel 2 that contains the original History Channel shows that actually discussed history.  It is all fine and dandy because I will admit, I have watched some of these reality shows.  This same phenomenon is true of all the other educational channels such as TLC and The Discovery Channel.  While it may reflect a change in the preferences of the American people, I also see it as a way for the media to glorify average, blue collar jobs.  The epitome of success to most Americans is making tons of money and being on national television.  By glorifying these everyday jobs, it encourages all Americans to pursue these type of jobs in hopes of having television success.  America has hit hard economic times since 2008 and the result is less and less prestigious, high paying jobs.  Many people can no longer afford to go to college.  This leaves many with the future of a blue collar job.  Luckily our media curbs our depression by bombarding us with footage of the average Joe and his very common job.  Is it good or bad? I would like to know your opinion.  While it helps us be content with what we have it also does not push us to seek more and work harder to achieve greater success.